Easy Ways to Recover Your Car Keys

Losing your car keys is always gonna give you a headache. However, it’s easier now more than ever to locate, copy or get new keys. Whether you rely on key programming Germantown MD or using a handy app, here is what you should know about recovering your keys.

Have a Copy

The biggest protection against a lost key is having a copy. Locksmiths can cut copies for you pretty easily. The cost can vary depending on the key though. Laser-cut keys are thicker than conventional keys so they are more challenging to cut so the price reflects that. Put your new key somewhere close so you can use it at a moment’s notice.

Get an App

Newer keys are often fitted with a transponder for remote connections to your car. You can download an app that connects to the same transponder so you can locate your keys if you’re someone who frequently loses them. This is something that only works with keys that have this transponder component, so it’s another factor to consider when you’re at your local locksmith deciding which key to have made and programmed.

What About Smart Keys

Smart keys are not keys in the traditional sense. They are programmed devices that allow you to push-start your vehicle when in close proximity. You can just keep these tiny things in your pocket or keychain; there’s no reason to move them too much since you don’t have to insert it into anything. The thing about these kinds of keys is that only the car dealer can program new ones for you if yours was damaged or lost. Accessibility is important when you have key trouble so think ahead about these scenarios.

Losing your key has never been easier than it is right now. You can make affordable copies of your keys, download an app to track your keys or even use a smart key that just stays in your pocket. Find the solution that works best for you.

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